The Two Year Anniversary of the day the LEMON LADY purchased a TOYOTA LEMON has arrived and celebration is in order!
No one was injured! No more nightmares about TOYOTA'S UNPREDICTABLE PERFORMANCE were created!
Today was to be COURT!
MR. ALBANY ROUTE 44 TOYOTA [FORMERLY MR. TOYOTA U.S.A., so very confusing!]...
specified acceptable dates......
Who is surprised that the Conflict King had a sudden CONFLICT and was forced to postpone?
The LEMON LADY was looking forward to the fanciful tales....
...curious to see who had a hair cut....
...curious to see who arrived late....
...curious to see if a GAGGLE of attorneys appear..... collect more BILLABLE HOURS......
....the beat goes on.....
Jury’s Decision Was Unanimous Against Toyota in Liability Lawsuit in
Minneapolis, MN 2015
Looks like the jury’s decision was unanimous in the liability lawsuit
against Toyota according to a quote in the following article.
9 years ago