Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My TOYOTA Defective Brakes & SCOTUS Case.....

Tomorrow is another Supreme Court Day ......

...with the Corporate Clowns

...and Deep Pocketed Clients [Insurance Companies] funding the TOYOTA FOLLY.....

....the advantage of having a CASH COW....

MR. ALBANY ATTORNEY and MR. ROUTE 44 TOYOTA ATTORNEY have previously concocted some pretty creative hallucinations......

This event holds great promise of similar conduct ...... the promise of a temper tantrum?
Will the BULLY ATTORNEY [Attorney Dan Viera, representing ROUTE 44 TOYOTA] perform?

The BULLY ATTORNEY [Attorney Dan Viera, representing ROUTE 44 TOYOTA] fought a lawsuit against ROUTE 44 TOYOTA, refused to settle, even after the judge told him to settle....and he LOST! [Yup, Dan! The Lemon Lady knows about that.]

Guess Dan needs the $$$.

So when Big Corporations whine and cry about the high cost of litigation.....

THEY caused it! And we're all paying for it with frivolous court MOTIONS, insurance companies picking up the tab for cases that should be settled, we'll never know what charges MR. ALBANY ATTORNEY was paid for that represented his negligence.....like the incomplete MOTION MR. ALBANY ATTORNEY filed.....
...love to see those legal charges.....

Below, is some great information about TOYOTA's continuing problems....worth reading....

Shhh... sudden unintended acceleration complaints are continuing